Is Your Site Secure for the July 2018 update?

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Is Your Site Secure for the July 2018 update?

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It has been widely reported that July 2018 an update to Chrome and other browsers that will be one of the major steps towards a goal that Google has hinted and reported that they would like to make the internet a secure place to interact with. To do this they have brought a simple but effective way to make people feel secure.

The following is a browser view of a website URL prior to the Chrome Update (July 2018)

browser view of a website URL

As you can see that while the change is minimal, the change is significant enough that it would be advisable to heed change. The best part about this is a change is very simple and affordable. That is where we at Greenspage Web Design Come in.

So what is this all about? It is SSL Certificate.

Instead of Not Secure, a padlock will display, colored green which gives the visitor a sense of security, go to any site like Google, Amazon and yes even and you will see the following.

URL interface

So this is what you need to know.

What is SSL? “SSL” is Secure Sockets Layer. SSL is a method of encrypting when sending data over the Internet to ensure that private information is not compromised. When users enter private data on a website, the data goes through different servers and networks before reaching the exact destination.

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This is the time when hackers can attempt to intercept private data from clients unless the network is encrypted. SSL encrypts data sent between computers and servers so that others can’t read and process them.

Consider SSL certification as a giant windshield when driving on traffic information. You would not go to your local highway, especially at night in the rural area, with nothing between you and all the bugs. Likewise, an SSL certificate protects your site and visitors from multiple digital errors and unpleasant Web creatures.

Before you claim your site as “too little to be hacked,” keep in mind that most hacks are done electronically and can affect anyone.

In short, the SSL certificate offers three important advantages:

Encryption: Encrypts confidential information such as credit card numbers and other personal information.

Trust: The SSL property guarantees users that your business is trustworthy and that your personal information is protected.

Improved page ranking: HTTP is one of the lowest signals for Google algorithms. This means that you have secure encryption that can help you improve your ranking in Google search results.

Do I need an SSL certificate for my website?

With all the news on the latest cyber-threats that flourish online each year at an alarming rate, the focus on security should be the primary concern of every site owner. Hacking and other unwanted cyberattacks are unfortunately often, it’s easy to believe that your website could be the next target.

SSL will not only improve the security of your website, but it will give a little boost to the ranking of pages on the HTTP website. Although this signal remains light compared to high-quality content, Google may consider strengthening it in the coming years to encourage all website owners to adopt HTTP on their websites.

What is HTTP?

HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a type of protocol used by browsers and web servers to communicate and transfer data with each other. When you enter the web address in the address bar, it sends the HTTP command to the web server that requests access to the site you want to access. You can read more here:

Information to be protected

Any information that may lead to financial losses, identity theft or legal implications must be protected at all costs. Here are some examples where SSL can be used wisely:

Financial reports: credit card numbers, validation codes, bank account numbers, online orders, etc.

User authentication: usernames, passwords, email addresses, security problems and other information needed to access a website.

Private data: date of birth, personal identification numbers, passport number, passport number, etc.

Other confidential information: medical records, legal documents, classification directories, contracts, etc.

Do I really have to have SSL on my website?

E-commerce sites

If you sell products online and receive credit card payments directly from the website, you must obtain an SSL certificate to make sure that your customer’s payment information is not visible to the hacker. However, this does not mean that you should encrypt the entire web page. You can choose to have SSL in the area of electronic commerce or only in the customer portal.

Login forms Websites

When a website does not have SSL, it is easier for a hacker to steal user login information, such as their usernames and passwords. With a lot of affordable SSL certifications, there is no reason to disregard one. If you do not want to use SSL, you can consider using other third-party technology so that users can automatically connect to your website on another site.


Do you have a membership? It is a good idea to use SSL if members must give their names, email addresses, passwords or photos of the store, identification cards, documents, etc. on your site

Website for blogs

If your blog only has blog articles without product, link and membership information, SSL is not required. Most blogs only show text and images so you do not have to, especially if you have a limited budget.

Websites that run HTTP2

HTTP2 is the latest successor to HTTP, a central protocol that defines how web browsers and servers communicate. It was designed to improve the inherent limitations of HTTP1, such as data latencies. Before you can transition from your site to HTTP2, you must ensure that the connection is encrypted with SSL.

Do I need my SSL certificate or can I use a common SSL certificate?

Many hosting providers include a common SSL certificate that you can use instead of buying yours. As long as you do not make any mistakes on the spot, it will be great to provide login information or other sensitive information. However, a common SSL certificate does not give much protection to your website visitors.

In short, if your site is a small blog and does not require visitors to register, you probably do not need SSL. If you have a login form or if you send or receive private data from a customer, you need SSL.

More SSL Certificates

Now that you know what SSL is and how SSL works, you can choose it for your website. Depending on the type of sites or sites you have launched, you may need another type of SSL certificate. Learn more about the four types of SSL certificates available:

SSL certificate of a separate card

HostGator free SSLhostgator

Extended validity SSL certificate

SSL Certificate SAN

SSL organization verification certificate

Because of the way Google handles SSL, it can not be ignored. At this point, you have a brilliant search rank. But Google shows that he is not afraid to use Google Chrome to “punish” sites that do not pass to SSL.

Since you can now get a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt and others, there is no reason not to protect your visitors’ links and increase your search engine rankings in this process. Once you’ve selected which option is right for you, attach it to your site and enjoy the benefits. Your visitors will thank you.

For further information or questions you can contact me on (865) 257-3049

