SEO is Continually Evolving, Are You Keeping Up To Date

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SEO is Continually Evolving, Are You Keeping Up To Date

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SEO is Continually Evolving, Are You Keeping Up To Date?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is always changing, and there are updates happening all the time. While it may seem these updates are only minor there are always ones that will make a major dent in your rankings. This updates can literally take you from number one on Google to page 5 overnight.

This is where Greenspage SEO is here to help. We not only keep up with the latest updates but do the research to make sure these updates do not have a lasting effect. We have over 15 years of experience and not afraid to share it with you. We promise to make sure that your site gets to the first page of Google and that your website is found by your targeted audience, the audience you are trying to reach.

We start by sharing with you a simple but detailed report on your Current SEO Analysis

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Marketing planWhat is SEO and why do you need it?

There are a number of factors that impact your search engine rankings, these include and are not limited to, keywords backlinks and a strong social media presence. This may lead you to wonder where should you focus your SEO attention to? This is where we come in.

We Can Help You!

We start with getting to know you and your business. We take the time to get to know what you need, learn your goals and look for ways to better your online presence. We look at your audience and ways we can assist by getting them to interact with you better. We look at what we can improve so that you get better results. Here are just some of the questions we answer:

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Why is my site on page one but I am not attracting business from my site?

This could be any one of the following factors:

  • Bad Navigation
  • Broken links
  • To much clutter
  • No Call To Action

While this list is short, we have written a book on this subject, Read it Here

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When can I see the results of my SEO?

While there is no set timeframe for when you should see your rankings improve there is a number of factors that need to be taken into account. We have seen some companies make good progress in a couple of months but then other companies that have had Google penalties for content that needs cleaning up take a few more months up to a year to recover.

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Is there really a way to get me on the first page of Google?

While we never say that you will get to the first page of Google overnight we can get you there. We have the tools and systems in place that help us track your progress and we have the experience to make sure that you see results of the positive nature. We also assure you there is NO secret formula that we use, but we have a plan that we use that is custom to you and your needs.

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Do We Offer Hosting and Domain Solutions?

Yes, we offer hosting and domain solutions that suit your business and needs. We look at all areas and make sure that you are getting the best package for your website. We also are able to design your website and set it up so it is SEO from the start so you can start ranking when your site goes live (while it is possible to get to the first page of Google sooner, we do not guarantee it, we will guarantee you will get there, just not overnight.)

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Do you offer a blogging service? and is it duplicated?

Yes, we do provide a blogging service which is something we cover in the first meeting. We look at a number of aspects of your business to determine whether or not we do it all you wanted to. Just like you, we know how hard it is to run a business and who has time to blog. So this is why we offer a blogging service. But be assured that our blogging service is free from plagiarism and duplicate content. Both plagiarism and duplicate content is something that Google frowns upon and this is why we keep away from it.

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Do your strategies work and should I trust them?

Yes, our strategies work due to the fact that we have taken time throughout the years to research and find out what works and what does not. It is this research is that we used to make sure that your site ranks without Google penalties. We analyze your website, study your industry, identify your target audience and we even research competition.
To do the above mentioned we use some of the most sophisticated digital marketing tools and in-house developers that make sure your goals are achieved.

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